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A lion lies behind the glass wall of a zoo enclosure, test reads 'clawing at the cages'

Clawing at the Cages

Born Free's latest report highlights the suffering of big cats in zoos, and exposes the reality of life in captivity for lions, tigers, cheetahs, jaguars, leopards, snow leopards and pumas.
A lioness lying down with her head on her paws, at a zoo

Clawing at the Cages: Help end the suffering of big cats in zoos

Zoos are hiding behind their conservation and education claims, but the truth is, big cats don’t belong in zoos. Big cats should be free to roam the wild, not imprisoned in zoos. Watch our emotive video to find out more.

The Human Habitat: Clawing at the Cages

On the day Born Free launched its Clawing at the Cages report and appeal, patrons including Amanda Holden, Kirsty Gallacher, and Jenny Seagrove took part in a central London protest to shine a spotlight on the restrictive living conditions facing big cats in zoos across the UK and Europe.
An animated image of a mother and baby elephant

Enough Is Enough

Watch our new animation and join Born Free in calling for an Elephant-Free UK.
A polar bear paces behind bars in an indoor enclosure

Born to Roam: The Suffering of Polar Bears in Zoos

Born Free's new report looks at the welfare concerns of polar bears kept in zoos, the true risks facing polar bears as a species, and what action needs to be taken to protect this magnificent species.
An elephant walks around a small zoo enclosure

Elephants in Zoos: A Legacy of Shame

Born Free's powerful new report exposes the reality of elephants exploited in captivity, and calls on all zoos to become elephant-free.
Two tigers are in a small zoo enclosure behind glass, people stand taking photos through the glass

Zoos: Financing Conservation or Funding Captivity?

Born Free report evaluating the financial contribution of the Consortium of Charitable Zoos to in situ conservation.
Close up of a meerkat

Conservation or Collection?

Evaluating the conservation status of species housed and bred in licensed charitable UK zoos.
A giraffe is bending over in an indoor zoo enclosure with the photo taken through bars

Confined Giants: The Plight of Giraffes in European Zoos

Born Free investigates the welfare issues of giraffes living in captivity, and calls on European Zoos to phase out the keeping of giraffe.
An elephant bobbing its head

Elephant Free UK Report

Born Free calls on the UK Government to phase out the keeping of elephants in zoos so we have an Elephant Free UK.