Time to go #TankFree

Will you join our call to phase out the keeping of cetaceans in captivity, and pledge never to visit an attraction where they are exploited for entertainment?
We Are Born Free
International wildlife charity rescuing and protecting wild animals from exploitation, and conserving threatened species and their natural habitats for generations to come.
Pangolins are unique. Unchanged for 70 million years, their future now hangs in the balance due to the brutal illegal trade in their scales and body parts.
Snatched from the wild by poachers, pangolins fortunate to be confiscated by authorities alive need months of specialist care to nurse them back to health.
Your gift could help care for orphaned pangolins and combat the shocking illegal trade.
Will you join our call to phase out the keeping of cetaceans in captivity, and pledge never to visit an attraction where they are exploited for entertainment?
You can adopt an animal with Born Free from just £3 a month - from elephants and lions to orangutans and pangolins - which animal will you choose?
Take a look at our upcoming in-person and virtual events - all raising vital funds to support Born Free's work.
One in three of Born Free's projects are funded by legacies - could you consider leaving a gift to Born Free in your Will?
For just £1 a week, you can support Born Free AND have the chance to win cash prizes!
Join one of our exclusive philanthropic giving programmes and know that you are changing animals' lives for the better.