Zebra de-snaring in malawi


WERU (Wildlife Emergency Response Unit) recently carried out a quick anaesthesia on a  zebra at Kuti Wildlife Reserve, Malawi, to remove snares. 

Supported by Born Free, WERU is a joint venture between Lilongwe Wildlife Trust (LWT) and the Department of National Parks & Wildlife. WERU aims to treat injured wildlife, relocate animals in conflict with communities and provide veterinary support to projects that monitor and protect wildlife at risk.

WERU’s One Health zebra ID work has helped them find out which individuals were affected and where they are likely to be found. It is also fantastic when the team are able to remove snares before they start causing a problem.

This short video shows a zebra – part of a bachelor herd of more than eight individuals – receiving treatment from the WERU team, including veterinarian Dr Amanda Salb, Clinical Projects Vet Dr Hezy Anholt, scouts and veterinary students participating on LWT’s veterinary externship programme. 

The rest of the herd waited nearby, kept tabs on the team, and welcomed the zebra back when the anaesthesia was reversed.

A few days later, the team darted and de-snared another stallion that was loosely part of the same bachelor herd. It is likely that both zebra ran into snares in the same place. The scouts went searching the area to find and remove the snare line responsible.

Are you looking for experience in wildlife medicine or keen to apply your veterinary skills to support a good cause? If so, LWT’s vet externship programme could be for you! The programme has been developed especially for vets, vet students and vet nurses who are looking to support a deserving project as well as gain a rich and diverse experience across wildlife conservation and veterinary medicine. 


© Lilongwe Wildlife Trust