Virginia mckenna’s statement on the death of geronimo


Our Founder Patron Virginia McKenna OBE comments on news that Geronimo the alpaca has been euthanised this week.

“The world is in turmoil. The devastation in Afghanistan, the lives lost over so many years, and now the light of hope may go out entirely. A catastrophe of individual suffering. For me, the individual – human or animal – is so important. And so I watched the terrible, enforced capture and removal of the alpaca, Geronimo, with horror and disbelief. Not only because of the heartless and violent way it was done, but that it was done at all.

“Why were police needed to ensure that this helpless, terrified, innocent animal could be dragged away, struggling, to certain death in the awaiting vehicle? Why, after four years of kindness and care from his owner, Helen, was it necessary to end his life at all? It seemed callous, thoughtless and without reason. Shame on all those who ordered this to happen.”