The real tiger king


Will You Give Sandro The Loving Home He Deserves?

We have fantastic news, but urgently need your help. We’ve just been given the go ahead and can, at last, give Sandro the Real Tiger King the loving lifetime home he deserves. Please, can you help us?

Born in captivity, this beautiful 15-year-old tiger was forced to endure many years in a shocking barren cage in Ayamonte, a squalid zoo in Spain. He paced back and forth, with no enrichment and little shade from the blazing sun. But despite this ordeal, Sandro never lost the fire in his eyes, his fighting spirit, or his dignity. 

There is no time to lose. Your gift today could help take Sandro to a new home. You could help move him to a wonderful sanctuary in northern Italy in the next few days. With your help, he can live the rest of his life free from harm in a spacious, natural enclosure. 

How your gift today could help Sandro: 

  • £5 could buy health-enhancing vitamins
  • £14 could buy two day’s nutritious food
  • £195 could buy one week’s loving and expert care 
  • £400 could pay for overland transport from Belgium to the sanctuary in Italy
  • £3,500 could build a climbing platform (tigers love a good view of their surroundings!)
  • £10,130 could look after Sandro for one year including food and care 
  • £45,000 would fund Born Free’s contribution towards Sandro’s spacious new enclosure – 5,000 square metres or over an acre in size!

“Thankfully, after years of Born Free campaigning with our Spanish colleagues, Ayamonte Zoo was closed down in 2019,” explains Born Free’s Head of Rescue & Care Maggie Balaskas. “Homes were found for the other animals, but Sandro has been waiting in a halfway house, with our friends at Natuurhulpcentrum (NHC), in Belgium. But he is now ready to move to a lifetime home and, with your help, can shortly move to the sanctuary in Italy.”



 Images © Natuurhulpcentrum (NHC), Trip Advisor July 2018 – Traveller photo submitted by JMMaNa