Thank you for helping save africa’s giants!


We hope you feel proud of all we’ve achieved together to protect rare giraffes and elephants.

Huge news – thanks to all of you who donated and supported our appeal before Christmas, Born Free has raised an enormous £70,000 to help secure a future for the tallest animals on earth. Your gifts will help monitor giraffes and elephants, as we work with local people to keep these massive animals safe.

In our charity’s heartlands of Meru in Kenya, the park where Elsa the lioness returned to the wild, these two giants live side by side. Born Free has been working here since 2014 to help Kenya Wildlife Service restore the park, after poaching in the 1970s and 80s decimated wildlife. 

Our conservation efforts for lions and rhinos have already had a big impact – with numbers on the up. Now, thanks to your support for our recent fundraiser, our major new giraffe and elephant initiative is determined to turn the tide for these vast vegetarians as well. Our Save Meru’s Giants project has been launched to work with local people to investigate the threats these vast vegetarians face and find community-led solutions. 

“We’re over the moon to see how much you care,” exclaimed a delighted Penny Banham, Born Free’s Conservation Projects Officer. “Thank you for sharing our vision for giraffes and elephants. Your donations are already being put to good use as we begin to monitor and identify individual animals and raise awareness to their plight. 

“We’re appointing a local team of Elephant Guardians who will work side by side with our Twiga Team (Twiga is Swahili for giraffes) to combat illegal hunting, remove lethal snares and find practical answers to conflict – such as using bee hives to deter crop-raiding elephants and generate income.”

None of this life-saving work would be possible without you. We hope you feel gratified to help get this exciting enterprise off the ground and will be in touch soon to report on progress. 

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