Stay inspired by nature!


Ways to learn about and help wildlife from home 

As we all adapt to new ways of life and reflect on our priorities, many people are finding comfort and reassurance in the natural world. Keeping wildlife in the wild is at the very heart of what we do, with the preservation of wild animals and wild spaces a key priority. Here are 10 ways to find out about Born Free during this time, and support our vital work.


Sign-up for a virtual fundraising challenge

We have teamed-up with Virtual Racing UK for a series of challenges which can be done from home. The Owl 20K will take place in May and participants can run, walk or cycle the distance, or choose a combination of all three, throughout the month. Those who complete the challenge will receive a medal from the Predator Series, and £2 from each £12 entry fee will benefit Born Free.



Ethical buying and selling

Did you know you can support Born Free when shopping or selling online? Platforms such as Amazon Smile, and Give as you Live enable users to choose a charity to benefit from transactions, make Savoo your default search engine and they will donate 1p for every search to Born Free and eBay allows sellers to generously donate a proportion of profits to a charitable cause. 



Stock up with lockdown essentials

If you have found yourself with time on your hands recently, why not revisit the classics? Or treat yourself to a new mug or t-shirt? Born Free’s online shop is fully stocked with a great range of products to occupy the mind and lift the spirits! Items include DVD and Blu-ray versions of Born Free, Elsa: The Lioness that Changed the World, and An Elephant Called Slowly. We have copies of Virginia McKenna’s autobiography The Life in My Years, and poetry book Tonight the Moon is Red, as well as a variety of gifts, clothing and accessories.



Adopt an animal as a gift

Got a family birthday or special occasion coming up? Our animal adoptions are ideal presents if you are unable to get out and shop for gifts for loved ones. We offer fifteen amazing species in our adoption scheme, including lions, elephants, giraffes and chimpanzees. Our more unusual animal adoptions include the critically endangered Ethiopian wolf and the pangolin – the world’s most illegally trafficked mammal.



Meet your heroes

The Born Free Podcast is an opportunity to be inspired by the people working to secure a future where wildlife and humans can peacefully co-exist. Recent podcast guests have included wildlife crime consultant Greta Iori, renowned conservationist Ian Redmond OBE, young environmental campaigner Bella Lack and Born Free’s Co-Founder and Trustee, actress Virginia McKenna OBE.



 Stand up and be counted

Our high-profile campaigns are a direct way to protect wild animals around the world. Whether it’s fighting the ivory trade, bringing an end to trophy hunting, or challenging exploitation in zoos and circuses, our Take Action page provides effective ways to show your support on key issues.



Access our new teaching resources

If you are looking for inspiring ways to teach your children about wildlife and nature, we might just be able to help! Our education team have created a series of bespoke teaching resources covering maths, art, drama, science and geography, suitable for children aged 8-11. 



Read all about it

We regularly publish updates about all aspects of our work, including field conservation, anti-captivity, wildlife policy, education, and the animals we care for. Previous editions of Wildlife Times, Adopt, and Hear the Roar are available to view as PDFs on our Publications page.



Enjoy a video safari!

Our Video Hub is perfect for anyone who loves the natural world and needs their fix of the great outdoors. Our films showcase our global work, with reports from the field and plenty of beautiful wildlife footage. We also have a YouTube channel which is regularly updated.



Get snappy with the kids….

No, we are not talking tempers here! Our Wildlife on your Doorstep photography competition for children aged 8-11 is open until 30th April. If you have a camera and safe access to an outside space, or even just in your garden, this is the perfect way to introduce young people to the beauty of their local wildlife. More information can be found on page 23 of our latest Hear the Roar magazine.