Statement on the sudan lions


The shocking reports and pictures of emaciated animals, particularly lions, at a zoo in Khartoum, Sudan, have generated a great deal of international concern, and a number of animal organisations have been approached to investigate and resolve the situation.

Born Free has reached out to its global contacts, and we have identified several key individuals in Sudan who may be able to help.

One international organisation in particular looks well-placed to undertake a site visit and assess the situation; we have offered this organisation our assistance with contacts and, depending on the outcome of their visit, there may be other help we can provide – we are awaiting feedback.

Born Free has also been in touch with representatives of the UK Departments for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and International Development (DFID), as well as the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, to ask them to lend their support where possible.

UPDATE: Animal welfare charity Four Paws has arrived in Khartoum to provide urgent food and medical care to the lions after being granted access by the Sudanese authorities.

IMAGE: Osam Salih/Facebook