Nurturing awareness on wildlife in amboseli


17th August 2017 

In the recent past, the Amboseli eco-system has witnessed an increase in human population leading to activities such as clearing bush and trees for farming or settlement, and charcoal burning. Habitat loss, insufficient rainfall and loss of indigenous tree species are some of the negative impacts of such activities.

Due to these adverse activities, we gear our education outreach and awareness programme for the community on different levels. For the warriors (youthful men), the Maasai culture recognises valiance when they kill a lion and are given a new name.  This custom also uplifts their stature in the society. On the downside, this practice has contributed to the decrease of lion population in the area. Hence, Born Free has been regularly engaging them during outreach missions on lion conservation and the benefits of the predators to the ecosystem.

We have also geared our outreach and awareness programme targeting the children at the schools neighbouring Amboseli. Through talks during school visits as well as provision of tree seedlings, we impart knowledge to the children which help them conserve their environment – in school and at home.   

Conservation outreach and awareness to the community is critical as they obtain the necessary information required to understand how their actions affect the ecosystem and eventually their future.