Marina: a beautiful soul


Glen Vena, Born Free’s Animal Care Manager at our big cat sanctuary in South Africa, remembers Marina the lioness who recently passed away


Marina was found in an apartment in a block of flats in Bucharest, Romania, when she was just four weeks old. She arrived at Shamwari in 2008 and shared an enclosure with Brutus.

Marina had a good life with us here. From the day I met her and her sister Sarnia, it was all smiles and goose bumps. 

It is hard to believe she was with us for 10 years. I truly believe we gave her the best care we could and that she had the best 10 years here with us. She was a beautiful soul. Everyone loved her, especially Brutus.

We were so nervous the day we introduced Marina and Sarnia to Brutus! But they were so clever and made Brutus run for a few hours and he got so tired! I still laugh about this each time I think about it. Brutus loved them both from day one. He is such a gentle lion, even with his background and the abuse he endured in the circus he came from. 

Brutus and Marina were always together. They spent every minute together – play-fighting, chasing each other, roaring together, eating together. He was so gentle with her and always let her win no matter what. I guess that’s why they were so happy with each other. They were soul mates.

Marina was like a member of my family, as are all the other cats I have cared for. I still remember them by name and talk about them every day to the guests that visit us. For me, Marina is not gone. She is resting and I will still get a chance to chat to her and the other cats who have passed away in our special garden. We will never forget her.