Marching for nature

Born Free joined thousands of people at the Restore Nature Now rally in central London, to urge political leaders to take action to tackle the UK’s wildlife crisis. Our Head of Conservation Dr Nikki Tagg reports.

A crowd of people at a demonstration holding banners with images of wildlife on them

Saturday 22nd June, in central London, saw the largest ever collaboration of community and environmental organisations, charities and action groups coming together in solidarity, united on the need for urgent, radical action to restore and protect nature. 

A headshot of Dr Nikki Tagg

Head of Conservation Dr Nikki Tagg

More than three hundred and fifty organisations and an estimated 100,000 people came together to march, from Park Lane to Parliament Square, to show their love for nature in all its amazing shapes and colours, their passion reflected in a beautiful and lively array of costumes, headdresses, banners and flags. The atmosphere was full of cheer, camaraderie and determination, and the message was loud and clear: our elected leaders must do more to protect and restore nature.

We were thrilled to connect to so many of you who came along to march alongside us, holding aloft a Born Free poster and playing a key part in making this event a huge success. Thank you!

Born Free Foundation’s Co-founder and Executive President, Will Travers OBE, was part of the march, and said: “This is a demonstration of just how strong public feeling is when it comes to nature. All political parties, all parliamentary candidates need to listen to the people; because we need to restore nature now.”

In response to the UK’s nature being in huge decline, the campaigners issued five main challenges to politicians on the action needed for nature:

  • A pay rise for nature linked to best practice, doubling the support for farmers to make sure that they can deliver nature-friendly farming and nature restoration.
  • Making polluters pay, ensuring that businesses have nature and climate plans in place and establishing new duties to drive private investment in species and habitat recovery.
  • Making more space for nature, restoring more protected sites and landscapes by 2030, and creating a Public Nature Estate across England with the support of local and national partners.
  • A right to a healthy environment including passing an Environmental Rights Bill, which would drive better decisions for nature, improve public health and access to high-quality nature.
  • Ensuring fair and effective climate action by increasing home energy efficiency, supporting active travel and public transport, and replacing polluting fossil fuels with affordable renewables.

The event was well supported by celebrities and prominent figures, including Emma Thompson, Caroline Lucas, Liz Bonnin, Dr Amir Khan, Steve Backshall, Dale Vince and Mya-Rose Craig – many of whom gave inspiring and heartfelt speeches to the crowd, together with performances from Feargal Sharkey and Billy Bragg. Some speakers hinted we might need to come back to march again and keep coming back until we are heard. Many encouraged us to vote for nature on in the upcoming general election on the 4th July – please see below for Born Free’s seven key asks for nature and the welfare of wild animals, for supporters to ask their parliamentary candidates during the UK General Election campaign.


The atmosphere was electric, the demands impassioned, and the air full of hope. However, as crucial as this event was, it is only one step. What happens next? What do we do with this energy, the energy of so many people across the country who care about nature? How do we follow through to ensure that politicians heed our warnings and meet our demands?

This being perhaps the biggest fight of our lifetime, people will find their niche and apply their skills and passions in the most impactful way they can. This movement to turn the tide of biodiversity loss and climate breakdown needs everyone and requires a multitude of skills, tactics and ideas. Tactics will range from small acts of civil resistance, through to widespread communication with the public. Whatever happens, we must not lose the momentum, and we must not stop here.

Nature organisations also must carve their path ahead. As a wildlife charity devoted to wild animal care and conservation, Born Free will also be considering our part in what happens next. As a member of Wildlife and Countryside Link coalition, Born Free will continue to campaign for the five crucial demands above. In addition, Will Travers puts forwards his transformative and exciting suggestions: “My own objectives would be to see a Nature Commissioner, reporting to the Prime Minister and with direct access to the Cabinet, appointed to oversee the prioritisation of nature-friendly activities across the whole of government, and to hold all departments to account.

“[And] the creation of a non-political Nature Security Council to put nature at the heart of our economic, development, farming and food security, education, social, public health, industrial, and financial efforts. The NSC would be populated with leaders from the wildlife and environment movement but also a diverse range of members from across society.”

The Restore Nature Now march was a critical step in the biodiversity and climate fight, and it was wonderful to be part of the passion and dedication to our country’s beautiful wildlife and wild spaces, but we will not stop here. Whether or not you were able to join us this time, we urge you to consider your possible role in this fight – and we look forward to seeing you next time!

Born Free’s seven key demands ahead of the General Election 2024

Born Free is asking supporters to email their parliamentary General Election candidates with seven key demands:

  1. Prioritise the protection and restoration of the UK’s nature and wildlife and make all wildlife crime notifiable, recordable and enforceable
  2. Strengthen the Hunting Act for the protection of foxes, deer and hares, to close loopholes and ban trail hunting
  3. Ban hunting trophy imports through the introduction of a government bill
  4. Review and revise the regulation of the trade in and keeping of exotic pets and dangerous wild animals
  5. Phase out the keeping of animals that suffer in zoos, including elephants, big cats, giraffes and polar bears
  6. End the culling of badgers in England and focus bovine TB control on cattle-based measures
  7. Use the UK’s influence to end the cruel treatment of animals overseas, such as the killing of pilot whales and dolphins in the Faroe Islands