Limbe wildlife centre at christmas


In a guest blog, Laura Craddock, Fundraising and Communications Manager at the Born Free-supported Limbe Wildlife Centre, explains how staff are preparing for their busiest time of the year

While many of us around the world can look forward to a well-earned break over the festive period, for the staff at Limbe Wildlife Centre (LWC) in Cameroon, it’s full steam ahead. Born Free has supported LWC for many years and is home to its rescued adopted chimpanzee Chinoise.

The Christmas period is the busiest time of year for the rescue centre as they prepare to welcome visitors from all over Cameroon who flock to Limbe to enjoy the beach, warm weather and visit friends and family.

It’s all hands on deck for LWC’s animal keepers, educators, vets and kitchen staff to manage the many of visitors. The centre provides care for a wide variety of wildlife and rehabilitates animals whenever possible.

The team of six educators are on hand to teach the visitors all about their 250+ animal victims of the illegal wildlife trade, including 16 critically endangered gorillas, 44 endangered chimpanzees, 84 endangered drill monkeys and many other species including the endangered African grey parrot, mandrills and dwarf crocodiles. For LWC it’s an important opportunity to engage Cameroonians in the conservation of the country’s magnificent flora and fauna.

In addition to providing the best possible daily care to the animals, an important job for the animal keepers during this time is to prepare special enrichment for all their animals – including for our adopted female chimpanzee Chinoise of course! This includes presents filled with treats to ice lollies and puzzles, it’s a tradition for the animal keepers to let the animals know it’s Christmas time.

So wherever you are enjoying your Christmas break this year, spare a thought for the dedicated individuals around the world who spend the festive period providing care to orphaned animals and working to make the world a better place for wildlife in 2019.