In memory of nicholas parsons


Born Free is deeply saddened to hear that our long-standing friend, and national treasure, Nicholas Parsons CBE, has died aged 96.

Nicholas and his wife Ann supported Born Free for many years, attending Virginia McKenna’s 80th birthday celebrations at the Savoy in 2011, as well as the launch of her poetry book Tonight the Moon is Red, in 2014.

Here, Virginia McKenna OBE, pays tribute to her friend:

“It’s impossible to imagine that anyone who met Nicholas would not smile at the memory. He was one of the most generous-spirited and warm-hearted gentlemen I have ever known. I recall the wonderful evening when he and his lovely wife, Ann, came to one of our Born Free evenings. He was steadfastly passionate about animals.

“Family was, I understand, the most important part of his long life, and so I would like to say – on behalf of the Born Free family – that he will be remembered with gratitude and affection. And, of course, his family is foremost in our thoughts.”