Howls of hope


9th August 2017 

Ethiopian wolves are highly specialized to life on the meadows of the roof of Africa. Africa’s rarest, and most threatened carnivore, most populations are tiny. But there are signs wolves in Bale Mountains are bouncing back from the latest rabies epidemic.

Nearly all packs we monitor and recently vaccinated have bred successfully, with some larger packs splitting, increasing the number of breeding families. With as many as seven pups born to a dominant female, the potential for numeric recovery is high, with over 80 pups located in Bale alone. 

With your support, Born Free and our Ethiopian partners put all our strength to fight the threats to the wolves through awareness, education, and science-led approaches to managing disease. It is a long-term game. Only through committed efforts can the necessary trust and common ground between the needs of people and wildlife can be found. Thank you for your help!

Professor Claudio Sillero – Head of Conservation