How Born Free is taking precautions against coronavirus


Dear Born Free friends, supporters and colleagues, 

The spread of coronavirus is a cause for global concern and no one is immune to the rapidly changing circumstances.

However, Born Free has not been complacent and we have taken positive measures to mitigate our impact, such as fully reviewing and suspending all our travel plans, upgrading all our hygiene protocols, reviewing whether or not to attend meetings involving international delegates, postponing public events, asking our team members to self-isolate if they have been to an ‘at risk’ area recently, and paying strict attention to all government and NHS health advice.  

Born Free, of course, remains undeterred in its relentless efforts to help protect wildlife. 

Our conservation teams, generally well away from urban areas, are working hard to protect lions, wolves, apes, tigers, primates, elephants, as normal. Our welfare teams continue to rescue animals in need and provide the highest levels of individual care to the many wild animals in our sanctuaries. Our education teams continue to support communities with educational materials and inspiration. Our policy teams continue to press for policy changes to reduce the pressure that humans impose on wild species – the credible link between coronavirus and the wildlife trade could not be more pertinent. 

At our Horsham office, in the UK, we will temporarily be working from home, from where we will continue to work with all our partners and supporters to build the strongest possible coalition of compassion and care. This may mean that sometimes we may not respond quite as quickly as we would wish when it comes to post, banking, etc, but in these changing and challenging times, we will do our very best – and I know we can count on your understanding and compassion.

Our overseas offices and teams are also carrying out contact mitigation and social distancing, as well as enhanced hygiene measures, limited visitations and more.  

I want you all to know that, whatever is going on in the wider world, Born Free will adapt, refocus, and, with your help, continue to strive every single day for the best possible future for wildlife and the natural world – one wild animal at a time. 

Thank you for standing with Born Free as we stand for the animals. 

Please stay safe and look out for the ones you love and those in need.

With all our good wishes, 

Virginia and Will

Virginia McKenna OBE, Co-Founder & Trustee, Born Free
Will Travers OBE, Executive President & Co-Founder, Born Free