With sadness we say goodbye to Madiba, the rescued lion who lived with the lioness Elsa Italia, at Animanatura Wild Sanctuary, Italy.

A lioness nuzzling a lion. They are both on a wooden platform with yellow flowers in the background

Elsa and Madiba at Animanatura Wild Sanctuary

Madiba was rescued by the Italian animal welfare organisation Lega Anti Vivisezione (LAV) in 2014, after being confiscated from a circus where he was forced to perform to entertain the public. Thankfully, after his rescue, he was transferred to our friends Animanatura Wild Sanctuary in Tuscany, where he was given loving expert care in a spacious enclosure. 

In 2019, Madiba was gradually introduced to Elsa. Born Free had worked with LAV to rescue this young lioness in 2014 from terrible conditions at a circus in Sardinia, when she was around six years old. The pair hit it off and since then lived happily together as companions, sharing an enclosure and enjoying an enriched life under the Tuscan sun. The friendship helped grow Madiba’s confidence, encouraging him to find the courage to venture onto the grassed area of their enclosure. It was beautiful seeing them playing together, chasing each other, walking side by side, then sleeping together, curled up in the shade of olive trees.

Madiba’s age recently began to take its toll, effecting his mobility and appetite. His care team kept a watchful eye on his well-being, but his old age and consequent renal and mobility problems worsened his health. Sadly, at the end of July the team agreed it was time to say goodbye to Madiba and he was gently put to sleep. He passed away peacefully with his carers around him.

Darling Elsa has been quieter than usual, but she seems to be coping with the loss of her companion. The Animal Care team at Animanatura is keeping a very close eye on her. Our thoughts are with the amazing people who cared for Madiba and gave him a wonderful life.