Could you help look after parly?


Introducing Our New Adopted Moon Bear.

Born Free is delighted to introduce 10-year-old Parly, our new adopted moon bear at Animal Asia’s Bear Sanctuary in Tam Dao, Vietnam. Confiscated from an illegal wildlife trader at a very early age, Parly was probably wild-caught for the cruel bear bile industry. Thankfully, he now has a wonderful home at Animal Asia’s Sanctuary and adopters like you can help ensure his lifetime care.

When Parly first arrived, in December 2012, he was too nervous to explore. Fortunately, the shy two-year-old was in good physical health and, encouraged by the care team, began to enjoy watermelon, banana, pumpkin and rice. Gradually, he recovered from his ordeal. Today, transformed, Parly is playful and confident. Favourite playthings include rope toys, balls and food-filled kongs but, nothing beats a wrestle in the grass with another bear, before taking a snooze on the platform in his den. 

“We are so happy to welcome Parly as our new adopted moon bear,” said Maggie Balaskas, Born Free’s Head of Rescue & Care. “Could you help us look after him? Although no one can replace our beloved moon bear Bodo, who recently died after 18 years’ loving care at Animals Asia’s sanctuary in China, it is a big comfort to know we can help take care of Parly.”

The Vietnam Sanctuary is home to over 180 bears rescued from horrific conditions. The bears appreciate grassy, tree-filled enclosures with climbing frames, hammocks and bathing pools, plus sleeping dens. What a privilege to support their care, while our mission continues with Animals Asia to end the horror of bile farm exploitation. 



Image © Animals Asia