Breeding ban of captive dolphins derailed in mexico


12 May 2017

The captivity industry in Mexico has appeared to have derailed an initiative by Mexico’s Green Party in trying to prevent the phasing-out of dolphin captivity. The result could mean many more years of exploitation for captive dolphins in Mexico.

The Green Party had previously proposed a full ban on the reproduction of captive marine mammals but actions by the industry will allow each female dolphin to produce one more offspring. If the Senate votes in favour of the bill and the addendum in September, it could mean another 85 years before dolphin reproduction ends in Mexico. 

Born Free and our friends in Mexico, @Animal Heroes, need your help in calling for a complete and immediate ban on the reproduction of captive marine mammals in Mexico. You can support this simply by re-tweeting Born Free’s tweet

In other breaking news, it has recently been announced that France will end the breeding of captive dolphins. It is hoped that France will therefore influence other countries to do the same.
