Born free helps relocate two lions


Born Free has helped relocate two lion cubs, rescued from the lion farming industry, to a permanent home in South Africa.

Karlos and Ivana were rescued by the National Council of Societies for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (NSPCA) in South Africa, in April, from horrific conditions and in extremely poor health. When found, both lion cubs were suffering from brain and spinal problems resulting from malnutrition and poor care.

Karlos and Ivana were rushed to Old Chapel Veterinary Clinic to receive emergency treatment and started their initial rehabilitation under the care of Dr Peter Caldwell. They have now both been nursed back to better health and recently moved to their new lifetime home at Panthera Africa Big Cat Sanctuary, near Cape Town, where they will live in large, natural and safe enclosures.

Born Free provided funds to assist with their move to Panthera Africa.

Dr Chris Draper, Born Free’s Head of Animal Welfare & Captivity, explained: “After their awful start in life, we are delighted to help Karlos and Ivana move to a sanctuary where they will receive the best of care. As ever in such cases, these two cubs are the lucky ones, and they serve to remind us that so much more needs to be done to protect the thousands of other lions living in captivity in facilities associated with trade in lion bones and canned hunting. Karlos and Ivana are both symbols of the cruelty of the captive lion industry in South Africa, and of hope for a more compassionate future.”

Born Free is absolutely opposed to canned hunting and campaigns to bring an end to this practice once and for all. You can take action by signing our petition calling for the South African government to end canned hunting.