Big cat diaries – december 2018


Glen Vena, Animal Care Manager at our big cat rescue centre in South Africa gives his latest update

Hello everyone, what a lovely few weeks we’ve had here at the centre. It’s good to be busy and overseeing the upgrades of the big cat enclosures at the Jean Byrd centre. Working hard, but the smile is always there! 

All is going very well with the construction, and the lions and leopards don’t seem to mind the extra activities. We’ve also planted some indigenous trees and I must say they are going to look stunning! Let’s hope our cats don’t use them all as scratching posts!

Shamwari is always applying her magic in different ways and this can be seen in all our cat’s behaviour, all are relaxed and settled in their homes here in South Africa.

Take care all, from everyone at Shamwari, season’s greetings and we wish you a Happy New Year!

Glen Vena and two colleagues with work equipment



Sinbad is thriving and full of energy. I saw him scent marking one morning while I was doing the daily checks. It’s likely he is scent marking for Achee to pick up. Or it could be to alert Jerry and Nelson to his presence, as they often show interest in Achee. Sinbad shares a close bond with Achee and is rather protective of her!  

Sinbad the lion



Jora and Black are always together and have a strong bond. Jora is generally more active than Black. During fence patrols, Jora will sometimes get up and follow us, but Black will stay put and just keep an eye on us. Jora also likes to stalk his neighbour Ciam. Jora always has his eye on Ciam and young King has his eye on all three of them! In the mornings the brothers like to sit next to the water trough after their morning drink and watch the new arrival, King, when the sun comes out. 



Sami looks great. Lately, he has been more aloof – hiding amongst the natural vegetation in his camp. This could be due to the heat, as we’ve had a few hot days recently. When we do see him, he is exploring his climbing platform or keeping cool by the water trough. 

Sami the Leopard



I also got a glimpse of Leda recently too. Leda is an independent soul – doing her own thing in her own time. She is doing very well and in very good health despite being in her senior years.  

Leda the leopard