Asia for animals virtual conference


Born Free Is Part Of An International Coalition Opposing Animal Cruelty In Asia.

The Asia for Animals Coalition will hold its biennial conference, on 24th – 25th April, with the theme For A Better Tomorrow.

Born Free is proud to be a member of the Asia for Animals Coalition, which provides a collective forum for organisations and individuals dedicated to opposing animal cruelty across Asia. 

The Coalition advocates for improvements to the welfare of companion, farmed and wild animals. “Its important wildlife work includes challenging the exploitation and abuse of captive animals such as elephants and dolphins for outdated entertainment,” explains Born Free’s Head of Policy and veterinarian Dr Mark Jones. “The Coalition’s diverse work also exposes the cruel conditions endured by countless wild animals in Asian zoos, calls for an end to cruel and abusive wild animal performances all too common across Asian theme parks and zoos, and protects wild macaques from harmful encounters with people.”

The Coalition’s biennial conference has become the largest gathering of animal welfare organisations in Asia, and enables members and participants to share information, strategies and knowledge with one another to improve the lives for the animals of Asia.

Because of Covid restrictions, this year’s conference will take place entirely online, and will feature a keynote speech from Jane Goodall, as well as sessions on live animal markets, the relationship between animal welfare, biodiversity and the environment, animal tourism, and the future of animal protection in Asia.

You can also purchase tickets for the conference and attend virtually.


Image © Aaron Gekoski, Caters News