An update on the ebo forest take action


Born Free is relieved the President of Cameroon, Paul Biya, has cancelled plans to log vast swathes of Ebo Forest, in Cameroon

Born Free and its supporters have been campaigning since March, together with local groups, to stop logging permits that would have threatened endangered wildlife species like the Nigeria-Cameroon chimpanzee, western gorillas, Preuss’s red colobus, drills and forest elephants. 

Nikki Tagg, Born Free’s Conservation Programme Manager, said: “At this time of climate emergency and unprecedented global biodiversity decline, the international community must be further strengthening and scaling up its protection of wildlife and natural areas, rather than removing the remaining remnants of tropical forest that are left. This decision by the government of Cameroon is therefore very forward thinking and progressive, and bodes really well for the wildlife of central Africa”.

We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to more than 1,000 of our supporters who took action to help us protect Ebo Forest.

However, this success is just the first step in fully protecting Ebo Forest. In order to safeguard the wildlife, habitat and local communities of Ebo Forest in the long term, Born Free is urging the government of Cameroon to involve the communities living in Ebo Forest when making decisions about how the forest and its wildlife will be protected for the benefit of both wildlife and local people.