An update on our four former circus lions


Today is World Lion Day, so there’s no better day to let you know how Bellone, Saïda, Angela and Louga, the four lions rescued from a French circus, are getting on.

All four lions lived and performed in a travelling circus in France before they were surrendered by their owner. They’re now at a temporary home in France and are waiting to be relocated to the lifetime safety of their new home at our big cat sanctuary in South Africa.

Maggie Balaskas, Born Free’s Animal Rescue & Care Manager, says: “With the covid-19 guidelines and travel restrictions continually changing, it is difficult to know when it will be possible for their relocation to go ahead. However, we are moving forward with our preparations as far as possible and, in the meantime, Angela, Bellone, Louga and Saïda are being kept safe and well by the team at Tonga Terre d’Accueil. 

“The lions’ bond remains strong. They are often seen lying together at the top of their enclosure, enjoying the afternoon sunshine. When the weather cools, they play chase with each other, roll around and wrestle – they are certainly young at heart!”

We will, of course, keep regularly updating you on how all the lions are getting on and let you know as soon as we are able to move them. So, please keep following our Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube channels.

Saïda (not pictured in the main image with Angela, Louga and Bellone)


Images: (c) Tonga Terre d’Accueil