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Farewell queen

We are sorry to report that beautiful white lioness, Queen, has died.

Lions of lyon: one week on

It’s been a week since the Lions of Lyon – Horus, Dadou, Cersei and Thea – arrived at our big cat sanctuary at Shamwari Private Game Reserve, in South Africa.

Winner of virginia mckenna award 2019

Dr Jamartin Sihite, CEO of the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation, has been awarded the seventh Virginia McKenna Award for Compassionate Conservation.

Lions of lyon: finding their feet

The Lions of Lyon are settling in at our big cat sanctuary. Born Free’s Beth Brooks finds out how they’ve been getting on.

Lions of lyon finally rehomed on african soil

The Lions of Lyon – four lion cubs rescued from horrendous captive conditions in France – have been released at Born Free’s Big Cat Sanctuary and are now starting their new lives in their ancestral home of Africa.