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Meet the giraffe family

The Giraffe Family is a wild herd of rare West African giraffe who live in Niger, monitored and protected by the Born Free-supported Giraffe Conservation Foundation.

Meet timtom

Timtom is a young orangutan who lives at a rehabilitation centre in Indonesian Borneo, run by the Born Free-supported Orangutan Foundation.

Meet the elephant family

The Elephant Family is a wild herd who live in Amboseli National Park, in the foothills of Mount Kilimanjaro, Kenya.

Thoughts on canned hunting

The subject of canned hunting arouses many emotions at Born Free. We asked some of our colleagues for their thoughts about this cruel industry.

An update on ‘hilts’

Born Free’s Beth Brooks reports on the progress of ‘Hilts’, the fortunate lion rescued from the canned hunting industry