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Conservation education through volleyball

From tree planting to volleyball: Charles Njoroge, Born Free’s Pride of Meru Education Officer, explains how we are encouraging co-existence around Meru National Park

In search of lions

Born Free’s Beth Brooks joins our Kenya field team to find out what it’s like to monitor the lions of Meru National Park

In memory of nicholas parsons

Born Free is deeply saddened to hear that our long-standing friend, and national treasure, Nicholas Parsons CBE, has died aged 96.

Protecting meru’s wildlife

Born Free doesn’t just monitor lions in Meru, as Tim Oloo, Born Free Kenya’s Country Manager explains.

Statement on the sudan lions

The shocking reports and pictures of emaciated animals, particularly lions, at a zoo in Khartoum, Sudan, have generated a great deal of international concern, and a number of animal organisations have been approached to investigate and resolve the situation.

Working together for wildlife

Ahead of a major wildlife conservation meeting due to take place in India next month, Dr Mark Jones, Born Free’s Head of Policy, explains why when it comes to wildlife conservation, collaboration is everything.