News & Updates

The latest news, blogs and features from Born Free.

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Meet timtom

Timtom is a young orangutan who lives at a rehabilitation centre in Indonesian Borneo, run by the Born Free-supported Orangutan Foundation.

Meet the elephant family

The Elephant Family is a wild herd who live in Amboseli National Park, in the foothills of Mount Kilimanjaro, Kenya.

Every animal counts

Born Free’s adoption scheme helps protect rescued and wild animals around the world.

Remembering kumbuka

Virginia McKenna OBE, Born Free's Co-Founder & Trustee, reflects on the recent death of Kumbuka.

Farewell queen

We are sorry to report that beautiful white lioness, Queen, has died.

Lions of lyon: journey’s end

The Lions of Lyon have arrived at our big cat sanctuary in South Africa! Born Free’s Beth Brooks updates on their journey.

10 facts about canned hunting

We’ve just launched a new campaign to end canned hunting – but what is canned hunting? Here’s 10 facts you need to know about this cruel industry