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The latest news, blogs and features from Born Free.

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Close up of the face of a gorilla

Born Free responds to videos of gorillas at defunct Bristol Zoo Gardens

Videos circulating on social media highlight sad reality for wild animals in captivity.
A propped up sign reading 'polling station' in front of a sandstone building

UK General Election: Party manifesto summary

What are the UK's political parties saying about Born Free's priority issues?
A small crocodile sits submerged in water facing to the right of the image, with just the top of its head and eyes above the water

Why our decision-makers must tackle the dangerous wild animal in the room

Born Free calls on all political parties to commit to a comprehensive review of the trade in and keeping of exotic pets in the UK.
A monkey in a cage, with its hand gripping the bars

Speaking Out for Animals this ‘Report It’ Week

As the Social Media Animal Cruelty Coalition’s ‘Report It’ Week begins, Born Free highlights the ways members of the public can speak out about animal abuse and exploitation.
A jaguar lying down with head up facing to the left

A country without cages: Costa Rica closes state zoos

The Costa Rican government has finally closed all the country’s state zoos, transporting the remaining animals to a wildlife centre for assessment.
A group of elephants walking around a muddy and cold-looking enclosure

Zoos – a matter of public trust

New report reveals shocking failings among EAZA-accredited zoos.
A tiger standing in between two trees looking up at the camera

Sandro – three years of bliss

In April 2021, thanks to your kind donations, a rescued tiger arrived at his lifetime home at Animanatura Wild Sanctuary in Italy. Rescue & Care Officer Dr Andrea Donaldson brings us the latest news, three years on.
A rhino with large horn is emerging from behind a bush

South Africa’s Cabinet approves plans to phase out lion farming and private breeding of rhinos

South Africa’s Cabinet has approved policies put forward by the Minister of Forests, Fisheries and the Environment that include ending intensive lion breeding and the intensive management and captive breeding of rhinos for commercial purposes.
Two dolphins in a pool taking part in a show and playing with a ball

Two major UK tour operators take action for whales and dolphins

Born Free applauds recent news that two UK tour operator giants have announced that they will no longer sell tickets to attractions with captive cetaceans (dolphins, whales and porpoises).
Close up of the face of an African bull elephant

Concern as number of elephants in UK zoos set to increase

UK's population of elephants cruelly kept captive in zoos is set to expand, with the import of a bull elephant from Germany, and two elephants pregnant at Blackpool Zoo. Born Free calls for policy makers to legislate for an Elephant-Free UK.