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The latest news, blogs and features from Born Free.

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Hare today gone tomorrow

Born Free’s Head of Policy Dr Mark Jones explains why Born Free is supporting a Bill to protect hares during their breeding season.

Why we must ban the bullhook

Also known as an ankus or goad, a bullhook it is a stout pole with a metal hook and a metal tip on the end. It is used in training and controlling elephants by a handler applying pressure to sensitive points on an elephant’s body.

London’s last elephants

In 2001, the 172-year history of keeping elephants at London Zoo came to an end. What happened to London’s last elephants?

Culling in captivity

Five years on from the death of Marius the giraffe, zoos are still killing healthy animals, but are not obliged to report it. It is time for transparency, says Born Free’s Head of Animal Welfare & Captivity, Dr Chris Draper.

Shocking evidence of the risk posed by pet servals

A video from a zoo in Indiana, USA, reveals just how dangerous wild animals such as servals can be.

Death of two young elephants at chester zoo

Born Free reacts to the death of two young elephants from deadly virus at Chester Zoo

France overturns ban on captive dolphin breeding

The Council of State - France's highest administrative court – overturned a ban on breeding dolphins in captivity, citing "an irregular consultation procedure."

Breeding ban for captive dolphins in france

Outdated legislation, which has regulated dolphinaria in France since 1981, has finally been updated and includes a breeding ban for captive dolphins across France.