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The latest news, blogs and features from Born Free.

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Sentience success

Born Free celebrates the Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill passing its final hurdle in the House of Lords - a milestone for animal welfare!

Lions to newcastle!

Virginia McKenna OBE and Will Travers OBE welcome our 'Born Free Forever' exhibition to the Northeast, as our pride of 25 lion statues arrive at Exhibition Green.

Badger cull horror

Born Free is appalled by tens of thousands more badgers brutally killed under the UK government’s ineffective and inhumane scheme.

I’ve got a new name!

Hundreds of you voted in our poll to choose a name for our new cheetah but, there was one clear winner.

Well done dominic!

Born Free congratulates Dominic Dyer, our British Wildlife Advocate & Policy Advisor, on winning a Lifetime Achieve Award at this year’s Animal Stars Awards.