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The latest news, blogs and features from Born Free.

Press contact: (0)1403 240 170

Safe from harm

With your support, Born Free rescues tigers in need and gives them the best possible lifetime care.

Your pet tiger?

Thousands of tigers are kept in private hands as ‘pets’ worldwide.

Raise the red flag: genoveffa & gavino’s story

Kept at an aquarium in Sardinia, loggerhead turtles Genoveffa and Gavino were the focus of many concerned tourist reports sent to Born Free since 2001. Their story has had various twists and turns, and it's not over yet.

Surviving together

Born Free has been protecting wild tigers in India since 2004, working together with Oxford University and local conservationists.

Elephants encaged

Find out about the problems faced by captive elephants, and see some of the reports we have received through Raise The Red Flag.

Land of the tigers

Will Travers explains his personal connection to tigers, and why it's so vital we protect them.