News & Updates

The latest news, blogs and features from Born Free.

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Take action on the slaughter of whales and dolphins in the Faroe Islands

Our petition to suspend trade agreement with The Faroe Islands until all whale and dolphin hunts end will be debated in Parliament on 11th July - please encourage your MP to speak up and stop the slaughter.

Faroe Islands’ dolphin slaughter

Born Free’s Policy Adviser, Dominic Dyer, has campaigned for years for marine animal protection. In this blog he explains why the slaughter of dolphins in The Faroe Islands should be consigned to history.

New french law to provide greater protection for animals

Born Free welcomes new legislation which will bring an end to the use of certain wild animals for entertainment and fur production, and improve the protection of pets.

France overturns ban on captive dolphin breeding

The Council of State - France's highest administrative court – overturned a ban on breeding dolphins in captivity, citing "an irregular consultation procedure."

Breeding ban for captive dolphins in france

Outdated legislation, which has regulated dolphinaria in France since 1981, has finally been updated and includes a breeding ban for captive dolphins across France.