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Rhinos in danger from profit-hungry owners

A controversial three-day online auction of rhino horn kicks off in South Africa on 23rd August 2017, following a convoluted legal battle between profit-hungry rhino owners and an ill-prepared Government Department. The consequences for beleaguered rhinos across their range could be absolutely disastrous.

Zoo visitor bitten by bear after opening car window

Badaling Wildlife World in Beijing, China, is in the news again following another incident where a visitor has ignored safety warnings. It has been reported that the man opened his car window to feed the animals while driving through the safari park’s black bear enclosure. A bear managed to force the car window fully open, and bit the man’s arm.

Helping hedgehogs

Joey came to us back in May, he was found alone under a garden shed after it was dismantled and there was no sign of his mum. With Joey now going back to the wild, here are a few things you can do to help him and his prickly friends.

The legacy of wayne lotter

When the PAMS Foundation started the Ruvuma Elephant Project (REP) in southern Tanzania in 2011 poaching was at a crisis level. Between 2009 and 2014, within a five year period, Tanzania lost 60% of its elephants. The worst declines were in the southern half of the country. In 2009 there were more than 34,000 elephants in the Ruaha-Rungwa eco-system and almost 45,000 elephants in the Selous Game Reserve but by 2014, these numbers had fallen to just 8,000 and 15,000, respectively.

Selfish selfie kills again

A baby dolphin has died after tourists in southern Spain took the animal from the shallows and passed it around for photos. It has been reported that a the lifeguard who tried to intervene “saw hundreds of people rushing towards the animal”, and sadly, children were seen covering the baby dolphin's blowhole in their rush to handle it.

Russian man mauled by captive bear

A 42 year old man has reportedly been seriously injured by a bear after he jumped over a stand-off barrier near animal cages at a roadside café in the Irkutsk region of Russia.

Nurturing awareness on wildlife in amboseli

In the recent past, the Amboseli eco-system has witnessed an increase in human population leading to activities such as clearing bush and trees for farming or settlement, and charcoal burning. Habitat loss, insufficient rainfall and loss of indigenous tree species are some of the negative impacts of such activities.

Grizzly bears in british columbia

On the 14th August the new provincial Government of British Columbia announced a ban on the trophy hunting of grizzly bear, along with all hunting within the Great Bear Rainforest, from 30th November 2017.

Howls of hope

Ethiopian wolves are highly specialized to life on the meadows of the roof of Africa. Africa’s rarest, and most threatened carnivore, most populations are tiny. But there are signs wolves in Bale Mountains are bouncing back from the latest rabies epidemic.

Bear mauls zookeeper to death at orsa rovdjurspark in sweden

It has been reported that a zookeeper was killed on Friday 4th August after a bear dug its way under a fence at Orsa Rovdjurspark in northern Sweden.