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News – animal sentience and uk law

Environment Secretary Michael Gove has published a draft Animal Welfare (Sentencing and Recognition of Sentience) Bill, on which comments are invited through a public consultation which ends on 31st January 2018.

Wildlife trade

Wildlife crime – the need for a global solution: Born Free Foundation Calls for Immediate – and Lasting - Action to Save Imperilled Species

Rhino treatment

Wild animals have special ways of survival. They behave in a manner that surprises us. Intriguingly, when animals are injured or sick, they tend to find ways to seek help - they get closer to the camps, in open areas and in most cases, sleep along the roads.

Big trophy hunting proponents reject ‘canned hunting’

South Africa’s canned hunting industry is coming under increasing pressure, even among hunting advocates.

Saving mali’s desert elephants

Across Africa, tens of thousands of elephants are brutally killed for their ivory tusks every year. Their populations are continuing to decline: nearly half of the total elephant population was lost between 1979 and 1989, plummeting from an estimated 1.3 million to just 600,000 individuals. Today, the Great Elephant Census reports only 350,000 elephants surviving, a decrease of 30% in just seven years. The IUCN lists them as Vulnerable.

Leopard escapes from a private collection in great treverran, cornwall

Devon and Cornwall Police have confirmed that a clouded leopard has escaped from a private collection, reporting that the animal escaped on Boxing Day before being recaptured following reports that sheep had been killed in the area.

Monkeys missing from scottish zoo

Two monkeys have reportedly disappeared from Galloway Wildlife Conservation Park, a closed zoo in Kirkcudbright, Scotland, and are believed to have been stolen.

Swedish zoo kills “surplus” lion cubs

Reports have emerged indicating that Borås Djurpark in Sweden has killed nine apparently healthy lion cubs in the last six years. CEO, Bo Kjellson stated that the cubs were ‘surplus’ and could not be moved or sold to other zoos.

Circus animal ban

The Born Free Foundation welcomes apparent renewal of Government commitment to circus animal ban in England

Chimpanzees in guinea-bissau

The Guinean Forests of West Africa, home to a rich and unique array of biodiversity, are considered to be one of the world’s biodiversity hotspots.