With the assistance of Born Free, Bo and Bella, two rescued chimpanzees in Guinea-Bissau, will be moving to their new home at Sweetwaters Chimpanzee Sanctuary in Kenya today.
Born Free is shocked and dismayed to hear that a kangaroo has been killed and another injured at Fuijan Province Fuzhou Zoo, in South East China. The tragic incident occurred last month after visitors apparently threw rocks at the animals to make them hop.
There could be as many as 183 lions and 198 hyenas living in a remote national park on the Sudan-Ethiopia border, a team of wildlife conservationists, supported by Born Free, have revealed.
Born Free’s rescue and education centre at Shamwari Private Game Reserve, in the Eastern Cape of South Africa, is named in memory of an inspirational young lady who was tragically killed in Kenya 30 years ago. Today would have been her 58th birthday. This is the story of Julie Ward…
For me, such a person was Daphne Sheldrick. Indeed, her death on 12th April deeply touched millions who had never met her but felt she was a true friend.
Born Free is pleased to learn that an appeal against the refusal of a licence to operate a travelling circus with wild animals to Thomas Chipperfield – the self-proclaimed “UK’s last lion tamer” – has been dismissed in court.
Born Free Kenya’s Meru field team were recently on hand during a rhino ear notching exercise conducted by Kenya Wildlife Service in Meru National Park. Some 17 rhinos - two blacks and 15 white - were successfully notched in Meru’s rhino sanctuary.