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The latest news, blogs and features from Born Free.

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Plans to capture 14 critically-endangered porpoises for commercial aquariums

Born Free is disappointed to learn that the Yangtze River Fisheries Administration, China, has ordered the capture of Yangtze finless porpoises from the wild for transfer to dolphinaria for breeding purposes.

Elephants and people: co-existence is possible

Nkirote Kathurima (not her real name) has interacted with elephants all her life. She was born and bred at the edge of the Lower Imenti Forest which forms part of the Mount Kenya Forest Reserve.

Elephant dies at south korean zoo

Born Free is saddened to hear of the premature death of yet another elephant in a zoo: 13-year-old Gajaba at Seoul Grand Park, South Korea.

Celebrate world lion day by adopting king

We are celebrating World Lion Day today (10th August) by officially introducing King the young lion to our adoption scheme.

Elephants on the edge

As part of our Elephants in Crisis campaign, Born Free's Head of Conservation Dr Liz Greengrass explains why elephants in Ethiopia and Cameroon have developed an ele-arrogance to persevere

Lion activity in meru national park

This year has been interesting for lion conservation and management in Meru National Park. We have seen at least four of the six known prides we monitor with cubs.

Tourist mauled by captive bear

Reports state that a tourist has been mauled by a captive bear during a visit to the Wat Luang Phor Lamai Temple in Phetchabun province, Northern Thailand.

The uk ivory bill: will it be enough to save elephants?

On 23rd May 2018, the UK Government introduced its Ivory Bill to Parliament. But will it be enough to save elephants, asks Born Free's Associate Director Dr Mark Jones.

Cuddle me kill me: new book investigates lion farming and canned hunting in south africa

New book Cuddle Me Kill Me that lifts the lid on South Africa’s gruesome lion farming and canned hunting industries has launched today, with Born Free benefiting from the proceeds.

Political correctness gone mad

Born Free's President & Co-Founder Will Travers OBE explains why broadcasters must make the story, not political correctness, a priority.