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The latest news, blogs and features from Born Free.

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Circus animal ban

The Born Free Foundation welcomes apparent renewal of Government commitment to circus animal ban in England

Chimpanzees in guinea-bissau

The Guinean Forests of West Africa, home to a rich and unique array of biodiversity, are considered to be one of the world’s biodiversity hotspots.

Are our efforts to protect elephants finally turning the corner?

China has been widely recognised as the largest market for both legal and illegal ivory, and demand for ivory products from Chinese consumers has been a major driver for the poaching of hundreds of thousands of elephants across Africa and Asia in recent years.

Adapting to baboon raids

These primates raid and destroy the community’s crops, leaving the farming community devastated and destitute, and many times enduring sleepless nights as they have to be awake very early in the mornings to protect their farms.

Living & working in the wild

To accomplish our conservation goals, Born Free Kenya cannot operate as an island. Partnerships are key! By working with both the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) and the local communities around Meru National Park, our mission to protect wildlife becomes achievable.

Lion attack

At the end of last week, we received a report that a lion had injured a community member from Gafarsa Village in Isiolo County.