News & Updates

The latest news, blogs and features from Born Free.

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Farewell roque, marina and general

We have recently had to say a sad farewell to three of the beloved big cats in our care – Roque the tiger, Marina the lioness and General the lion.

Vets urge action to stop hunting hounds spreading bovine tb

A group of veterinary professionals, including Born Free’s Head of Policy Mark Jones, has written an open letter to the Veterinary Times criticising the Government for its failure to take action to prevent hunting hounds spreading bovine TB, while continuing to licence the slaughter of large numbers of badgers.

Born free reacts to new badger cull licences

Born Free is extremely disappointed by the news that 11 new badger cull licences have been approved in England, which could lead to the death of 40,892 badgers by the end of 2018.

Ivory trade: not just an elephant crisis

It's not just elephants that are threatened by people's desire for ivory. As part of our Elephants in Crisis campaign, Born Free's Head of Policy Dr Mark Jones examines the other animals at risk.

Big cat diaries – september 2018

Glen Vena, Animal Care Manager at our big cat rescue centres in Shamwari, gives his latest update.

Solio: the hottest male in meru

Born Free Kenya’s Meru Conservation Area Research Officer Simiyu Newton reports on the antics of Meru National Park’s newest lion

Six key points on the uk ivory bill

The UK ivory bill is currently making its way through Parliament. Here's everything you need to know about this much-anticipated law in the making.

King honoured with animal rescue award

Born Free is delighted that King – the lion cub with a mighty name – has won the Animal Rescue Award at the Daily Mirror Animal Hero Awards.

International primate day: back to the wild

On International Primate Day, Dr Cheryl Mvula MBE. Born Free's Special Advisor and Senior Technical Advisor at Zambia Primate Project (ZPP), looks back at some of ZPP's success stories.

Co-existing with giants

As part of our Elephants in Crisis campaign, Born Free's Field Conservation Assistant Emily Neil explains how fiery hot chillies are helping to cool down human-elephant conflict.