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News – supreme court overturns dolphin breeding ban

ollowing the recent prohibition by the Vancouver Park Board on the breeding and performance of captive cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises) at the Vancouver Aquarium, the Supreme Court in British Columbia has overturned the ban on the grounds that the Park Board has no jurisdiction to impose restrictions on the day-to-day running of the aquarium.

News – hippo-critical

Born Free, is deeply concerned to learn that the Tanzania government is to hold an auction of 12,500 hippo teeth weighing 3.5 tonnes on Monday 29th January 2018, raising fears for the future of the species across key areas of its range.

News – major trafficker finally arrested

Born Free warmly congratulates Thailand’s law enforcement agencies as well as Freeland Foundation for its critical role in securing the arrest of one of Asia’s most sought after but, until now, untouchable wildlife criminals.