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Trophy hunting: putting the con in conservation

Trophy hunting is predominantly the preserve of wealthy individuals from the developed world. In their attempt to justify these narcissistic motivations, proponents claim that trophy hunting benefits wildlife conservation. But the evidence for these claims simply doesn’t stack up, says Born Free's Head of Policy, Dr Mark Jones.

Born free reacts to killing of tigress in india

Born Free is saddened to learn of the death of tigress Avni (or T-1) who was killed as a result of her reported attacks on people in the forests of Yavatmal, India.

Tracking mulika pride

Born Free Kenya's Meru Project Driver, Victor Cheruiyot, recalls a recent encounter with the Mulika Pride in Meru National Park.

Shocking evidence of the risk posed by pet servals

A video from a zoo in Indiana, USA, reveals just how dangerous wild animals such as servals can be.

Portugal to ban wild animals in circuses by 2024

More than 1,000 animals set to be banned from use in circuses in Portugal by 2024.

Horror of indonesia’s travelling dolphin show

Born Free call for the Indonesian Government to end this abusive and exploitative practice once and for all.

Conservation optimism

Successes are possible in conservation. They’re hard won, but they give us hope and they open our eyes to a more optimistic future, says Born Free's Conservation Projects Officer Penny Banham.

Meet the ethiopian wolf family

The Ethiopian Wolf Family are a group of rare Ethiopian wolves who live high in the plateaus of the Ethiopian highlands.

Child attacked by lion in russian circus

Born Free is shocked by recent reports that a child has been attacked by a lion in a circus in Russia

All things bright and beautiful

Born Free's adoption scheme is more than lions, tigers and bears...