News & Updates

The latest news, blogs and features from Born Free.

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Wildlife crime

The most immediate, critical threat to African elephants, rhinos, apes and other endangered wildlife is large-scale poaching and the organised criminal networks which traffic in these animals.

Uk zoos are falling short

Born Free's new Captivity Campaigns Manager, Ellie Henderson, reflects on her recent visits to five UK zoos.

Divided by dna. linked by loss

Savannah and forest elephants diverged millions of years ago, but their plight is the same today, says Born Free’s Conservation Projects Officer Penny Banham

Burning ambition

What is it like to attend an ivory burn? As part of our Elephants in Crisis campaign, Born Free’s President and Co-Founder, Will Travers OBE, describes the tumult of emotions he felt at two ivory burns in Kenya

Pole pole remembered

Our Elephants in Crisis campaign has focused on the plight of wild elephants in Africa. But did you know a captive elephant called Pole Pole is the driving force behind Born Free?

My wild malawi adventure

What's it like to volunteer on a Born Free-supported project? In a guest blog, Laura Praill describes her incredible time at Lilongwe Wildlife Centre in Malawi

Towards a worldwide ivory ban

The UK is in the process of introducing a domestic ivory ban. But what action have other countries taken? Born Free’s Head of Policy Dr Mark Jones finds out

Marina: a beautiful soul

Glen Vena, Born Free’s Animal Care Manager at our big cat sanctuary in South Africa, remembers Marina the lioness who recently passed away.