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Tracking tigers in Satpuda

In the Satpuda area of central India, to ensure people and wildlife can co-exist peacefully, it’s important that people can identify the presence of wildlife nearby. One of the best ways to do this is to look out for their paw prints, or pugmarks. But, how do you tell them apart?

Remembering ginny

Born Free’s adopted moon bear Ginny, who lived at the Born Free-supported Animals Asia bear sanctuary in China, passed away recently following a short illness. Here, Born Free’s Co-Founder & Trustee, Virginia McKenna OBE, and Animals Asia’s Founder & CEO, Jill Robinson, remember Ginny’s life.

Farewell ginny

We are extremely sad to report that our adopted moon bear Ginny recently passed away following a short illness.

Poachers captured in thailand

The Born Free-supported Freeland has assisted authorities in Thailand with the arrest of a gang of tiger poachers following a three-month investigation.

Tiger ambassadors

How small teams of villagers are working together to protect and educate their community so they can live peacefully alongside wildlife.

Elephants firebombed in india

Born Free is concerned to hear that villagers in India have thrown firebombs and rocks at a mother elephant and her calf to chase them away from their community in Bishnupur, West Bengal, north east India.

Living with tigers

What would you do if you went to draw water from your village well and found a tiger trapped inside? Or if you entered the kitchen in the hotel where you worked and came face to face with a leopard?

Where they belong

Penny Banham, Born Free’s Conservation Projects Officer, examines the promise and perils of translocating wild animals.

Land of the tiger

Satpuda, in the heart of central India, is a stronghold for India’s estimated 2,000 remaining wild tigers.