News & Updates

The latest news, blogs and features from Born Free.

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Keep wildlife in the wild this christmas

Christmas is just around the corner, and we’re full of the festive spirit here at Born Free! Find out more about our new range of merchandise. From charm bracelets to travel cups, we’ve got the perfect gifts for wild animal lovers everywhere!

Chilling memories of a circus visit

Tricia Holford, Born Free’s Captive Animals Officer, recalls a visit to a circus that made a lasting impact, and explains how you can help add yet another country to the list of those banning wild animals from travelling circuses

Meet chinoise

Chinoise is a young chimpanzee who lives at Limbe Wildlife Centre (LWC), in Cameroon.

Meet sara

Sara is a young chimpanzee who lives on Ngamba Island Chimp Sanctuary, in Uganda.

Meet Kyriakos

Kyriakos is one of the biggest bears living at the Born Free supported-Arcturos Bear Sanctuary in Greece, and his favourite activities are eating and sleeping!

Eagle swoops in on another wildlife criminal

Born Free is proud to report that the Born Free-supported EAGLE Network (Eco Activists for Governance and Law Enforcement), just achieved another major victory in the fight against the illegal wildlife trade in Africa.