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The latest news, blogs and features from Born Free.

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Pledge for dolphins

On National Dolphin Day, Born Free’s Samantha Goddard explains why we should not overlook the plight of dolphins in captivity

Meet kuuma

Car garages can be noisy, smelly and dirty. So, they’re certainly not the place to keep a one-and-a-half-month-old lion cub.

Meet horus

Most children have toy animals in their bedroom. But how would you feel about a real lion cub sitting on your child’s bed? Amazingly, this is exactly how Horus, a two-month-old cub, was discovered in an apartment in the suburbs of Paris, France, in October 2018.

How are tigers boosting healthcare?

On World Health Day, Born Free’s Beth Brooks examines how Living with Tigers is improving the health of local communities near Pench National Park.

Remembering Bill Travers MBE

Today we fondly remember our Co-Founder Bill Travers MBE, who passed away on 29th March 1994. In this very special blog, our Co-Founder Virginia McKenna OBE reflects on his life.

A future for tigers

Tigers face many threats to their survival in the wild, but despite these threats, Born Free remains optimistic for the future of tigers in the Satpuda landscape of central India, says Born Free's Beth Brooks.

Social media and conservation

Social media has a powerful part to play in compelling the world to engage in conservation, says Born Free’s Sarah Locke.