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The latest news, blogs and features from Born Free.

Press contact: [email protected]+44 (0)1403 240 170
A baby vervet monkey sitting on a yellow blanket

How to not get eaten

Rescued baboons and vervets are learning how to avoid predators, thanks to the ingenuity of the Zambia Primate Project, and with Born Free’s support.
A vervet sitting on a branch

Could you win our primate grant?

Born Free’s annual Primate Society of Great Britain Grant, supporting range state nationals working with threatened primates, is now open for applications.
A close-up photo of a monkey's had gripping onto the bars of a cage

British members of monkey torture group given jail time

Two women from Worcestershire have been given jail time for their part in a depraved ‘monkey torture’ group.
A close-up portrait of a baby monkey

New report explores fake animal rescues on social media

Born Free helps launch a shocking new report revealing the appalling rise of fake animal rescue videos.
A captive chimpanzee resting its head back against a concrete wall

New ‘Chimp Crazy’ docuseries highlights the problems of keeping pet primates

Docuseries released on 18th August highlights the dangerous and often tragic consequences of keeping chimpanzees in a domestic setting.
A baby macaque monkey sitting on the forest floor amongst leaves and bushes, lookjng up at the camera

Mad about macaques – celebrating International Macaque Week

It’s time to celebrate these remarkable monkeys and their key role in maintaining forests. But, it’s also time for action – these heavily exploited primates need your help.

Pet Primate Licensing Regulations Pass into Law

Born Free cautiously welcomes new regulations requiring all primate owners in England to obtain a licence, which passed into law on 5th March.
A young chimpanzee in the forest, smiling at the camera

Could you win this prestigious award?

Born Free’s annual Primate Society of Great Britain Conservation Grant is open for applications!

Pet primate licensing regulations pass Commons Committee

Born Free cautiously welcomes the Animal Welfare (Primate Licences) (England) Regulations, which were endorsed by a Delegated Legislation Committee in the House of Commons on 31st January.
A macaque staring through the bars of a cage

New report shines light on the suffering of pet macaques

As part of the Asia for Animals Coalition, Born Free has helped compile an important new report exposing the horrific exploitation of pet macaques for social media.