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A hare in a field of long grass

Born Free calls on Government to protect hares during breeding season

Take action today! You can help by asking your MP to support new legal protection.
A close-up photo of an African Grey parrot

Crime busters: how to combat wildlife criminals

Elephants killed for tusks, pangolins trafficked for scales, grey parrots sold as pets. Wild crime needs tougher rules and global action. Our EU Policy Officer Elodie Cantaloube outlines Born Free’s path for decisive action.
A pile of pangolin scales with green and white 'customs' tape and three sacks of scales visible in the background.

Help end the brutal pangolin trade

It’s shocking, but pangolin poaching is a big business. You can help Born Free take action to fight crime and stop those who want to hunt, kill and sell these fascinating animals.
A rhino with a large horn

Rhino poaching in South Africa – a continuing cause for alarm

Dion George, South Africa’s Minister of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries has revealed the latest rhino poaching figures for the country.
Several bright blue parrots flying above the canopy of a rainforest

UN nature talks yield modest progress, wildlife continues to bear the burden

Outcomes agreed at a resumed biodiversity conference in Rome, including a resolution on finance, provided a gleam of hope – but didn’t do enough to invest in nature.
A pangolin walking through grass and small plants

Meet Wanjala, the orphan pangolin

Stolen from the wild by poachers in Malawi, a young pangopup is now helping raise vital funds to save her entire species from extinction. But, she needs your help!
An orca swims alongside the glass of an aquarium tank

Lone female orca in Loro Parque pregnant again

Born Free laments news of the impending birth of another captive orca at the marine park in Tenerife.
A pangolin climbing across a tree branch with greenery in the background

10 fascinating facts about pangolins

The only mammals covered in scales from their heads to tails, there’s nothing like a pangolin! From curling up into a ball when threatened to using their long, sticky tongues to scoop up ants and termites, there are endless interesting facts about pangolins!
A pangolin nestled in long grass and undergrowth

Urgent appeal to save the world’s most trafficked mammal

Plight of the Pangolin: On World Pangolin Day, will you stand up for these rare and gentle creatures?
Two images of chimpanzees at Kinshasa zoo, reaching through the metal bars of a small and dirty enclosure with blue plastic wrapping around the outside

Shocking conditions for rescued chimps in DRC

Recent news has emerged that authorities in the DRC ordered the seizure of 12 chimpanzees from a rescue centre, to be relocated to a dilapidated government-run zoo in the capital city, Kinshasa.