A wild hedgehog in the undergrowth

Nature 2030


The UK Government is failing to fulfil its pledge to manage 30% of the UK’s land and sea for nature, and hit its legally-binding target to halt wildlife decline by 2030.

Born Free is working with a collective of fellow organisations passionate about nature to call on all political parties to prioritise nature – and we need your help.

A fox cub playfully jumping up to touch noses with its mother
What is the Nature 2030 campaign?

Led by Wildlife and Countryside Link, of which Born Free is a member, Nature 2030 is a unified campaign to ensure that any future Government meets its legally binding target to halt wildlife decline by 2030, and manages 30% of the UK’s land and sea for nature. These are not our targets – these are targets Government set for itself and are designed to meet internationally-agreed targets for nature recovery to which the UK is committed, but as things stand, Government policy and delivery are nowhere near sufficient to meet these positive promises.

We are asking all political parties to prioritise nature and climate in their manifestos. Our Open Letter to all political party leaders aims to secure commitment to the following Nature 2030 proposals from each political party ahead of the next General election:

  1. A pay rise for nature, doubling the budget for nature-friendly farming around the UK.
  2. A Nature Recovery Obligation driving private-sector investment in nature’s recovery.
  3. A 30×30 rapid delivery programme, restoring protected sites and landscapes, and creating a Public Nature Estate to fulfil the promise to protect 30% of the land and sea for nature.
  4. A National Nature Service, delivering habitat restoration and creating green jobs.
  5. A Right to a Healthy Environment, a human right to clean air, water and access to nature.


A badger leaning up against a tree trunkHow can you get involved?

We need as many people as possible to join us in signing the Open Letter to political leaders. The Open Letter will be used to demonstrate the public’s support for the Nature 2030 proposals, and let politicians know that we will not accept any more broken promises when it comes to nature and climate action.

Please use the link below to sign the letter with your name, email address and postcode.*


We will keep campaigning for Nature 2030 in the lead-up to and beyond the 2024 General Election – please join us by signing the letter, and sharing with your friends on social media.

*Privacy policies apply. You can unsubscribe from communications at any time. The Wildlife Trusts is acting as data processor for this campaign. For the purpose of communicating with you further about this campaign, your details will be kept safe and secure by The Wildlife Trusts for the duration of the campaign and then deleted.