A pangolin standing on a fallen tree trunk with its tongue fully extended, licking moss

Black-Bellied Pangolin

Phataginus tetradactyla

Black-Bellied Pangolin (Long-Tailed Pangolin)

Black-bellied pangolins (also known as the long-tailed pangolin), are found living in the forests of West and Central Africa.

Under significant threat from hunting for both local and international markets and from habitat loss, black-bellied pangolins are considered Vulnerable by the IUCN and populations are decreasing.  Black-bellied pangolins are one of the most arboreal pangolin species, using their long prehensile tail to assist in tree climbing.

Key Black-Bellied Pangolin Facts

A pangolin illustration


Phataginus tetradactyla

A pangolin illustration



A pangolin illustration


On average 85-110 cm, can be up to 120 cm

A pangolin illustration


Up to 3.6 kg

A pangolin illustration


Carnivorous/insectivorous (primarily ants and termites)

A pangolin illustration


Riparian and swamp forests, primary tropical forests, and forest-savannah mosaics

A pangolin illustration


West and Central Africa

A pangolin illustration


Unknown, declining

A pangolin illustration


Poaching, habitat loss, and illegal trade

A pangolin high up in a tree with its tail wrapped around a branch

Did you know?!

Black-bellied pangolins have very long tails, which can be twice the length of their body! This is why they are also called ‘long-tailed pangolins’.

How to recognise a black-bellied pangolin

Physical characteristics

All pangolins are covered in overlapping scales, a rare trait in mammals. The scales differ in size depending on where they are found on the body, with head scales often the smallest. Pangolins have a cone shaped head, small eyes and long, sticky tongues which they use for feeding.

A black-bellied pangolin can be recognised by its small body size and long tail in comparison to other species.  They have black skin which contrasts with their golden- brown scales.

While it is similar, and often confused with the white-bellied pangolin, as both live in trees, a black-bellied pangolin has a notably longer tail.

Unique traits

Black-bellied pangolins are known for spending most of their time in trees, using tree hollows or hollowed-out insect nests to sleep in. Unlike other pangolin species, which are mainly nocturnal, black-bellied pangolins  are also active during the daytime.


A pangolin with a black face and golden scales, high up in a tree

A black-bellied pangolin balancing on a tree branch (c) Tessa Ullmann

Where do black-bellied pangolins live?

Black-bellied pangolins are found in ten countries across Central and West Africa, such as Cameroon, where our Guardians of Dja programme works to protect their forest habitat. They are found in forest regions, often in riparian or swamp forests which are habitats typically dominated by palms and specialised swamp trees.

In more northern areas of their distribution, such as Guinea, black-bellied pangolins have been found in dry forests, without palms, or in degraded forest habitats, plantations or farmland in Nigeria and Côte d’Ivoire.

What do black-bellied pangolins eat?

Black-bellied pangolins are myrmecophagous, meaning that they feed on ants and termites. They use their long, sticky tongues to catch their prey.


A close-up photo of a black-bellied pangolin

Black-bellied pangolin (c) Sangha Pangolin Project, Maja Gudehus

Black-Bellied Pangolin Behaviour & Reproduction


Black-bellied pangolins are solitary animals that spend most of their time in trees. They use their long tails for balance and climbing. It is unknown at what height in the trees black-bellied pangolins rest or are most active at.

Much remains to be discovered about black-bellied pangolins behaviour, one of the reasons why it is so important to protect the ecosystems that they inhabit.


Black-bellied pangolins are aseasonal breeders, meaning that they do not breed in a specific period and can have offspring throughout the year. A female is pregnant for around 140 days and will give birth to a single young. Infants ride on their mother’s tail as she moves across the trees.

Are black-bellied pangolins endangered?

Yes, Black-bellied pangolins are considered ‘Vulnerable’ when they were classified in 2019 by the IUCN. The exact population of black-bellied pangolins remains unknown but populations are declining. Due to their mysterious nature and rapidly changing habitats in some areas, it has been difficult for researchers to get accurate information to determine pangolin populations.

Black-bellied pangolins are the least frequently recorded pangolin species of all the African pangolins. It is not yet known if this is due to their rare nature and low population density or because they live in habitats that are far from people. They are also often confused with white-bellied pangolins, as both are arboreal species and are found in similar regions.

Researchers also have difficulties detecting black-bellied pangolins during camera trap surveys, which are typically ground based, as black-bellied pangolins are in the trees.

There are several reasons why black-bellied pangolins are endangered – please use the drop-down menus below to find out more about the biggest threats to their population.

Black-bellied pangolins are hunted for their meat, scales and use in traditional medicine, for both local markets and international markets, similarly to other pangolin species.

There has been a large increase in the number of pangolins hunted in the last 40 years. Increasingly, pangolin scales are being exported from Africa to Asia, likely due to the declines in the numbers of Asian pangolins.

Deforestation and agricultural expansion have reduced pangolins natural habitats.

In West Africa, there have been higher rates of human population growth and habitat loss compared to Central Africa, resulting in higher rates of population decline in black-bellied pangolins. Declining habitat quality is also thought to influence populations.

What is Born Free doing to help black-bellied pangolins?

There is still so much to discover about black-bellied pangolins, and this is one of the reasons it is so important to protect them, and their habitats. Find out more below...

Habitat Protection

Black-bellied pangolins may prefer riparian and swamp forest but are also found in a range of habitats. Researchers have confirmed their presence in several protected areas, and think they could be present in most protected areas with suitable habitat, but more work is needed to determine this. Populations are thought to also exist outside of protected areas and work is needed to confirm this and ensure these populations are protected.
A pile of pangolin scales with green and white 'customs' tape and three sacks of scales visible in the background.

Wildlife Trade

In most black-bellied pangolin range states, they are protected under law but there is a need to enforce protective legislation. Born Free works with governments, enforcement authorities and other NGOs partners to help stop the wildlife trade, including the illegal trade in pangolin scales and body parts.
A group of people wearing Born Free T-shirts, sitting in a room together as if having a meeting

Education & Engagement

Born Free support awareness raising activities to highlight the plight of pangolins through our education programmes. We aim to directly address the most critical issues facing the world’s threatened species, while inspiring compassion and respect for animals from the communities that live alongside them.

Guardians of Dja

The forests of Dja Faunal Reserve are suitable habitat for Black-bellied pangolins and Born Free are proud to work with the communities living on the north of the reserve to raise awareness about conservation, protect habitat. We also support the local authorities in removing snares from the forest, confiscating bushmeat and giving warnings or arresting poachers where necessary.
A pangolin nestled in long grass and undergrowth

Rescue & Rehabilitation

We support the wonderful work of our friends at Lilongwe Wildlife Trust, one of Malawi’s leading wildlife charities. The team at Lilongwe are devoted to the rescue of injured, orphaned and confiscated pangolins. Each one is rehabilitated, prepared for release, then monitored once back in the wild – where they belong.
A pangolin walking through the undergrowth

Adopt a pangolin

The Pangolin Family lives in Malawi, in southeast Africa. Pangolins are one of the most illegally traded mammal species. Lilongwe Wildlife Trust rescues pangolins who are injured, orphaned or confiscated from wildlife traffickers.

Your adoption will help Born Free care for pangolins rescued and rehabilitated by Lilongwe Wildlife Trust, and to monitor their progress once released back into the wild. In addition, your adoption will help to fund our work to campaign against the illegal wildlife trade and protect their natural habitat.

Adopt A Pangolin